Aura Setup and Support

Learn how to set up online forms, your shopping cart, and further customizations for Aura.

Detailed Review - Tabs and Fields


Main Set-up Menu 

The top portion of Setup contains the buttons to create a new form (New Form), save (Save Form), delete (Delete Form), clone a form from an existing one (Copy Form), preview your saved form (Preview), and modify certain general Aura settings. Please see below for a detailed description regarding each field, including character limits.


Field Name Description of Field
Select Form A drop down menu of all Aura forms that have been created. Up to ninety-nine Aura forms can be saved at one time.
Name The name of the individual Aura form. There is a 59 character limit.
Process Sub Code

The two digit iATS sub-code following the four characters of the iATS Client Code. Ex: AURA80.
This is the iATS Client code that Aura will use to process all transactions via this Aura form.
Important: Please contact iATS Customer Care at 1-888-955-5455, Option 1 or in order to add Aura transaction processing permission if not already enabled.

Script This field contains the JavaScript code that needs to be pasted into the webpage where the Aura form will be embedded. This piece of coding should be embedded between any block-level HTML elements within the source code of your page. Ex: Paste between <body>…</body>, <td>…</td>, <p>…</p>, etc.
This value does not appear until you have first saved your Form.
Note: Additional Aura customizations are possible by editing the script. For more information, please see the Aura Customization section of this User Guide.
Parameters for Facebook App link This link displays options to integration the Aura form into a Canvas App on Facebook using Aura Connect. For more information and our instructions, please click here.
Publish The checkmark box that enables the end user to view the embedded form and process a transaction. Should be checked when the form is embedded within your website.
Note that when the Publish box is left unchecked, the Aura form is only visible to those logged onto the iATS website with the same browser.
Event Title The title of the form that is visible to end users. This field can be customized using HTML.
There is a 100 character limit.
Description The detailed description of the Aura form. There is a 1000 character limit.
Images can be added using HTML. For more information see the Aura Customization section of this guide, Section 9.


Form Info Tab

The Form Info tab enables a user to modify the Aura form look and feel in general. Please see below for a detailed description regarding each field, including character limits.
Fields marked with [HTML] indicate that HTML can be used to customize these fields to include, for example, bullet lists, images, and paragraph formatting. Please use single quotes in place of double quotes for any HTML additions. Please use <br> instead of new line for fields marked with [HTML].

Field Name Description of Field
Amount Title The title used to indicate the Amount section of the Aura form. There is a 39 character limit.
Payment Title The title used to indicate the Payment section of the Aura form. There is a 39 character limit.
Payment Note An optional field to add additional information below Payment Title. There is a 39 character limit.
Payment Currency Sign The currency symbol which will be displayed on the Amount section of the Aura form.
Label Position Defines the Payment section label positions. Can be set as Left, or changed to Top for a narrow Aura form.
Width The width of Aura form (display area in pixels).
Automatically calculate width if no CSS is applied. 0
Label Position = Top 200 (minimum width)
Label Position = Left 400 (recommended)
Two Column Layout 900
Maximum width 999


Pre-set Style sheet You may select a pre-built style sheet to modify the look and feel of your Aura form if desired.
If using a pre-set stylesheet, please adjust the width to suite your web page. The recommended width is between 400 and 700. If you are using a pre-set stylesheet from the “Modern” series, the minimum recommended width is 600.
Custom Style Sheet To mimic the look and feel of the existing webpage which will host the Aura donation form, enter the full CSS URL into this field. To avoid security warnings, please ensure the CSS URL and the page URL where the Aura form is embedded are using the same protocol (https:// or http://).
Note: This step is optional, however if not used, the content of the form will display on a white background.
Custom Stylesheet’s are not viewable within the Aura Preview option.
Script This field contains the JavaScript code that needs to be pasted into the webpage where the Aura form will be embedded. This piece of coding should be embedded between any block-level HTML elements within the source code of your page. Ex: Paste between <body>…</body>, <td>…</td>, <p>…</p>, etc.
This value does not appear until you have first saved your Form.
Note: Additional Aura customizations are possible by editing the script. For more information, please see the Aura Customization section of this User Guide.
Post Back URL A user specified URL to post Aura transaction information to Brickwork or another CRM or page.
Example - Enter a valid secure URL (HTTPS) Site to post the information into your organization’s Salesforce environment. Please see the Brickwork Installation Guide for further details on how to create a Salesforce Site.
Note: Unless using a Salesforce Site, please ensure the source code is enabled to allow http “POST” action. If not done, the Post Back functions may not fire.
Redirect URL The URL address to redirect end users to once the transaction or recurring payment has been successfully processed. A transaction that has been Rejected will not re-direct the end user, in order to allow for changes to the incorrect information. The redirect URL should use the same protocol (https:// or http://) as the page where the Aura form is embedded.
When creating links, there are two types of links – relative and absolute. You can tell if a link is relative if the path is not a full website address. A full website address includes http://www.
Use relative links when linking to pages or files within the site. Use absolute links when linking to a location on another website. Relative is internal, absolute is external.



Payment Tab

The Payment tab enables a user to customize the Payment section of the Aura form including the accepted methods of payment, schedules, and add survey, email & security options. Please see below for a detailed description regarding each field, including character limits.

Fields marked with [HTML] indicate that HTML can be used to customize these fields to include, for example bullet lists, images, and paragraph formatting. Please use single quotes in place of double quotes for any HTML additions.

Vertical Fields Description
Label Fields that can be edited and will be displayed on the Aura form.
Individual character limits are included in the field detail chart below. All Label Fields have a 39 character limit unless specified.
Visible A checkmark box that controls the visibility of the field. If a field is not visible, it cannot be a required field.
Required A checkmark box that controls whether the field is required or optional for the transaction to be submitted. If a field is required, it must be visible.
Message The message which will display if a required field is left blank. All Message fields have a 39 character limit.


Horizontal Fields:
Donor Details
Title The label used to indicate the Salutation Field for the end user.
First Name The label used to indicate the First Name Field for the end user. Required recommended.
The end user can enter up to 39 characters.
Last Name The label used to indicate the Last Name Field for the end user. Required recommended.
The end user can enter up to 39 characters.
Address The label used to indicate the Address Field for the end user.
The end user can enter up to 99 characters.
City The label used to indicate the City Field for the end user.
The end user can enter up to 39 characters.
State/Province The label used to indicate the State or Province Field for the end user.
  • The state field will be a pre-selected list if the chosen country is Canada, US, or UK.
A text box will be displayed for other countries.
Country The label used to indicate the Country Field for the end user.
Zip Code The label used to indicate the Zip or Postal Code Field for the end user.
The end user can enter up to 10 characters.
Phone The label used to indicate the Phone Number Field for the end user.
The end user can enter up to 39 digits.
Mobile The label used to indicate the Mobile Number Field for the end user.
The end user can enter up to 39 digits.
Fax The label used to indicate the Fax Number Field for the end user.
The end user can enter up to 39 digits.
Email The label used to indicate the Email Field for the end user. Required recommended. The end user can enter up to 39 characters.
Re-enter Email The label used to indicate the Second Entry Email Field for the end user. Required recommended.
The end user can enter up to 39 characters.

The label used to indicate the Comment Field for the end user.
The end user can enter up to 250 characters


Horizontal Fields:
Custom Questions

Item 1 to 6 The label used to indicate the Survey Questions that are visible to the end user.
There is a 39 character limit for all Items, per question.
If Enable Select is not used, there will be plain text boxes available for the end user to type their response to your question. The end user can enter up to 79 characters in the standard text field response answer field.
Enable Select When selected the standard open text box for question the user’s response is replaced with radio or pick list responses that you pre-define.
For the pre-defined responses offered in Item’s 1 -6, you can offer the end user many choices (separated by the enter key) as long as each option is a max of 79 characters. The overall total characters cannot exceed 180 characters (although we are looking at increasing this in a future release).
More Info

An optional field for adding additional information for each Survey Question.

  • Information entered into this field will display a question mark beside the question. The text will be displayed in a floating window when end user moves their mouse over the question mark.
    There is a 300 character limit.
Display Selected Items as: The option to display question responses (when Enable Selection is being used) as either Radio Buttons or Pick List. Default is Radio.


Horizontal Fields:
Payment Details
Credit Card

The label used to indicate the Credit Card method of payment field for the end user.

  • When the checkmark box is checked, the additional required Credit Card Number, Expiry Date and CVV2 (security code) fields become visible.
  • These field names can be edited, and have a 39 character limit.
When the checkmark box is unchecked, the end user is unable to process a payment using a credit card number.
UK Cheque
(Direct Debit)
The label used to indicate the GBP Direct Debit method of payment field for the end user.
When the checkmark box is checked, four additional Direct Debit pages will open for the end user. These pages are a BACS requirement, and enable the end user to set-up and approve a new Direct Debit instruction.
The end user is required to enter their Sort Number, Account Number information into the pages, in addition to confirming their bank’s name and address. These pages cannot be edited; however your organizations SUN number must be added to the pages. This can be added via the Account Set-up section of the iATS website.
  • Please note that Paperless Direct Debit services must be set-up and enabled by iATS. For more information regarding Direct Debit, please contact iATS Customer Service at 0808-234-0466 or
  • The Direct Debit Cancellation Policy and Declaration Statements are displayed to the end user on the Direct Debit pages, which contain additional information regarding their Direct Debit instruction.
  • Only recurring scheduled payments are available for Direct Debit processing.
When the checkmark box is unchecked, the end user is unable to process a payment using their bank account details.
Euro SEPA (Debit) The label used to indicate the Euro SEPA Debit method of payment field for the end user.
  • When the checkmark box is checked, the additional required Bank ID (for BIC), Account No. (for IBAN), and Re-enter Account No. fields become visible. These field names can be edited, and have a 39 character limit.
  • The end user is required to enter their BIC into the Bank ID field, and their IBAN into the Account No. fields.
  • The SEPA Mandate Statement details are also displayed to the end user, which contains additional information regarding their SEPA recurring donation. This information is required, and cannot be edited.


Horizontal Fields:
Payment Frequency
Single Payment The label used to indicate the Single Payment schedule field name for the end user.
When the checkmark box is unchecked, the end user cannot process a single one-time transaction.
Recurring The label used to indicate the Recurring Payment schedule field name for the end user.
When the checkmark box is checked, the additional required Begin Date, End Date and Schedule Type fields become visible. These field names can be edited, and have a 39 character limit.
  • The end user is required to enter a Schedule Type (Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly or Annual), a Begin Date (Can be any date from today onwards for Credit Card, and one of two date options for Direct Debit), End Date (Can be any future date – Default is 50 years from today), and their bank account details. For UK Direct Debit processing, there are up to two date options that can be set-up to be displayed to the end user.
  • The Schedule types can be selected or unselected on an individual basis to enable or disable these options for the end user. Please note that only Monthly or Annual schedule types are available for UK Direct Debit processing.
When the checkmark box is unchecked, the end user is unable to process a payment using their bank account details.


Horizontal Fields:
Other Options
Enable CAPTCHA CAPTCHA is a security option that can be added to the Aura form.
  • This feature can be used to deter fraudulent processing via the form as it forces the end user to type in the alpha-numeric characters before the transaction will be attempted. It is a useful tool to prevent fraud processing via “bots”, or computer programs.
When the checkmark box is checked, a variety of color options are available which will be visible to the end user.
Note: The paragraph option <p> can sometimes cause issues with the Captcha function, or cause surrounding fields to be formatted incorrectly. If this occurs, remove the <p>, or add a <div> tag between <p> and the <script> tags.
Enable Email Notification The options used to customize the email notifications that can be sent to the end user after a transaction has been processed, after a recurring schedule has been set-up, and for each time a recurring transaction is attempted in the future.
  • Please ensure a valid email address is used in the “From Email Address” section, or the email notification may not be sent properly. Due to recent DMARC policy changes, we recommend that you do not use a From email address which uses,,, or
  • When the checkmark box is checked, various email options become available. Click the ON/OFF toggle to ON to enable any of the email options or OFF to disable them for all donors. The From Name, From Address, BCC, Email Subject and Email Body fields become visible for each five email options, as well as the customizable email body.
  • The Organization’s name and email address should be entered in the From Name and From Address fields.
  • Multiple email addresses can be used in the BCC field, and should be separated by a semi-colon (;), or a comma (,).
  • The Subject field can be used to customize the subject of the emails which will be sent to the end user.
  • The Email bodies are dynamic fields, and will contain the end users transaction information (Variables enclosed in [# #]), and any other details as per the template email. The email body can be customized further using HTML and by adding additional option variable fields. For example, when John Thompson submits a donation, the [#FIRSTNAME#] variable field will display John. As list of optional fields can be found within the Customize Aura Email section of this Guide.
  • There is a 300 character limit on Email Subject, From and To fields.
  • There is a 10,000 character limit on the email body. To find out the number of characters entered in the email body, you can use this character count online tool:
  • Send Schedule:

    - Single Approved Transaction: Will be sent immediately following a successful CC transaction, or when a new ACH single transaction is submitted for processing.

    - Single Rejected Transaction: Will be sent immediately following a rejected Credit Card transaction. Will not be sent for any ACH Transactions.

    - Recurring Approved Transaction: Will be sent on the day the Credit Card recurring transaction is processed and approved. Will not be sent for recurring ACH Transactions.

    - Recurring Rejected Transaction: Will be sent on the day the Credit Card recurring transaction is processing and rejected. Will not be sent for recurring ACH Transactions.

    - Credit Card Recurring Setup: Will be sent when a new Credit Card recurring donation is scheduled.

    - ACH (Bank Debit) Recurring Setup: Will be sent when a new ACH recurring donation is scheduled.

For more information regarding the Email customization, please see the Customize Aura Email section of this User Guide.
Note: Emails containing <img> tags may be blocked by the end user’s email account due to security concerns, and may prevent the email from being read successfully. Images can be used at your discretion.


Amount Tab

The Amount tab enables a user to add suggested donation amounts for the end user, or enable them to donate a variable dollar amount.
In addition, the Shopping Cart features can be added and customized within the Amount tab. Please see below for a detailed description regarding each field, including character limits. Please note that the Aura Shopping Cart is not compatible with Brickwork at this time.


Field Name Description of Field
Amount Label The label used to describe the Amount of the donation for the end user. Please be informed that the use of HTML code such as <b></b> tags are not supported in Amount Label fields.
All Amount Labels have a 39 character limit.
Shopping Cart Icon When clicked, the new shopping cart options become visible.
Each item for sale can have up to two additional options (example size & color), and each option can have up to 20 choices (for example 20 size and 20 color)
  • Option #1 – 200 Character Limit
  • Option #2 – 200 Character Limit
  • Price
  • SKU – 40 Character limit. Must be letters or digits only. iATS will auto-generate a new unique SKU, but you can edit to match existing internal SKU’s as needed.
  • Quick View Button – Allows the review all options, prices and SKU’s.
Note: The Shopping Cart feature is not currently available to our Brickwork users.
To download an iATS Journal Report that includes the individual Shopping Cart items, please use the SalesItem.csv report provided in the Journal Tab of the iATS portal.
Amount The Dollar Amount which will be visible to the end user. Commas and currency symbols should not be included.
Enabled A checkmark box which enables the Amount Label and Amount to be visible to the end user.
Other Amounts The label used to describe the Amount Label and variable amount options for the end user. When Enabled, the end user can enter any dollar amount they wish. If required, a minimum can be set. iATS recommends using a minimum of at least £1.00. If less than £1.00 is attempted to be donated, this will produce a rejection and the transaction will not be processed.
  • A description detailing the minimum amount can be added to the Message field. There is a 39 character limit.
  • In addition, an Error Message can be customized should the end user enter an amount that is less than the minimum specified. There is a 39 character limit.
Enable Multi-Selection
Enable Quantity
A checkmark box which enables the older version of our Shopping Cart feature.
  • This feature enables the end user to select multiple items during, which will be totaled and processed as one transaction.
  • To enable the end user to be able to select multiple quantities within a specific selection, add a checkmark to the Enable Quantity checkmark box.
Note: The Shopping Cart feature is not currently available to our Brickwork users.
To download an iATS Journal Report that includes the individual Shopping Cart items, please use the SalesItem.csv report provided in the Journal Tab of the iATS portal.
Quantity Label The label used to describe the Quantity field when enabled. All Quantity Labels have a 39 character limit.
Default Quantity & Default Checkmark boxes which control if an Amount category is pre-selected for the end user, and a particular Amount level.
When unchecked, the end user must select an Amount category. Multiple Amounts can be pre-selected if Enabled Multi-Selection checkmark box is checked.
If Multi-Selection checkmark box is not checked, only the last amount with Default checkmark box checked will be pre-selected.
Error Message The Error Message which is displayed to the end user if they do not select an Amount category when the Default Selected checkmark box is unchecked. There is a 39 character limit.


Response Tab

The Response tab enables a user to customize the messages that are visible to the end user once their transaction has been approved or declined, and when a recurring schedule has been set-up.
Please see below for a detailed description regarding each field, including character limits.

Approval Response Message:

Field Name Description of Field
Approval Header The primary message that will be displayed to the donor following an approved payment. There is a 399 character limit.
Approval Code A message that will be displayed to the end user, followed by the iATS generated authorization code.
Approval Amount A message that will be displayed to the end user, followed by the dollar amount of the transaction.
Approval Footer An optional secondary message that will be displayed to the donor following an approved payment. There is a 399 character limit.


Decline Response Message:

Field Name Description of Field
Decline Header The primary message that will be displayed to the donor following a declined payment. There is a 399 character limit.
Decline Code A message that will be displayed to the end user, followed by the iATS generated decline code.
Decline Reason Text fields which allow the Declined Transaction rejection responses to be customized for the end user. There is a 79 character limit.
Note: To ensure correct decline information is displayed to the end user, it is recommended to maintain existing message information when translating to another language or when additional information is added.
Decline Footer An optional secondary message that will be displayed to the donor following a declined payment. There is a 399 character limit.


Recurring Response Message:

Field Name Description of Field
Recurring Header The primary message that will be displayed to the donor following a recurring schedule set-up. There is a 399 character limit.
Recurring Code A message that will be displayed to the end user, followed by the iATS generated Customer Code.
Recurring Footer An optional secondary message that will be displayed to the donor following a recurring schedule set-up. There is a 399 character limit.


Share Tab

The Share tab enables the Aura form to be shared or embedded in a variety of Social Media tools, and secondary websites.

Please see below for a detailed description regarding each field.

Field Name Description of Field
Social Sharing The checkmark box that enables the Aura form to be shared via social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, pages/feeds, and email sharing.
These will appear as links at the bottom of the form.
Link to Form The full URL where the Aura form has been embedded should be entered into this field. This value is only used for Facebook and Twitter, and it is not included as part of Email Message (see below).
Link Title The Title of the link option above.
Email Message The message that will be displayed in the when using the email sharing feature. There is a 20K (20 x 1024) character limit.
Ensure to include the Aura form URL to direct an end user to the form.
Advanced Sharing Allows the Aura form to be embedded into additional websites. If the checkmark box is checked, the end user can insert the Aura form into other websites.


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