We listened to the feedback we heard from consultants and have created an implementation guide for our Salesforce native application, Brickwork.
This guide covers two major topics:
Custom Objects, Relationships, and Definitions: all custom objects created by Brickwork are mapped out visually in an entity relationship diagram. Definitions for each object are provided.
Configurations for Tracking Recurring Donations: the two main data models for tracking recurring donations are shown, with the pros and cons of each listed.
We hope this guide shows our commitment to helping nonprofits and nonprofit consultants working in the Salesforce ecosystem.
We always want to share content and best practices that others in our ecosystem are creating. If you have anything you want shared in the next newsletter, send it my way!
What We’re Reading
Thinking of creating a content strategy to build your brand? Then “They Ask, You Answer” by Marcus Sheridan is the book to read.
In it, Sheridan discusses the value of building out content that answers the burning questions your clients have, as well as strategies for getting ideas for content from everyone in your organization.
We’re working on applying these best practices to build value for our clients and partners.